Friday, August 26, 2011

Bicycle Laws

     Recently, I have been having issues with motorists passing me too close, not giving way, cutting me off or just being blatantly stupid. Included, is information for 'we the cyclists' of the road. I cannot stress more the importance of NOT cycling on the sidewalk. I saw a little girl almost get mowed down, and I do not want to think what could have happened. Here is a post from the provincial laws according to the June 2005 New Brunswick Driver's Handbook. 

     I must add the importance of vehicle drivers not to tailgate a cyclist. If a cyclists falls, they fall like a brick and stop dead in their tracks. A car would not be able to stop in time and would run over the cyclists. Please use common sense- it's not worth the risk of someone's life.

6.4 Drivers and Bicycles 
Riders of bicycles must obey the traffic rules and regulations that apply to all road users. Drivers must respect the bicyclist's right to share the road. 
Vehicle Drivers 
Bicyclists are at greater risk of death or injury- use extreme caution.
- Check your blind spot when turning left and especially when turning right.
- Bicyclists can dart in and out of traffic quickly, expect the unexpected.
- Give the bicyclist room, do not tailgate or crowd the bicyclist. 
You are at greater risk of death or injury in a collision.
- Let others know what you are going to do, use hand signals and be in the correct lane position.
- Check your blind spots.
- Avoid busy streets.
- Stay off sidewalks.
- Safe bicycling requires knowledge, skill and maturity.
- Keep your bicycle in good working order and properly equipped (i.e. horn, lights and reflectors and night). 
It is mandatory to wear an approved helmet when riding your bicycle.


  1. In Nova Scotia, it is now mandatory to leave one metre between motor vehicles and bicycles when motor vehicles overtake and pass the cyclists. There are still some who don't. One cyclist was intentionally run down in Sydney NS recently. He (and his bike) is OK, uninjured and only slightly shaken, but the motorist was suffering a bad case case of road rage.

  2. I wish New Brunswick had the one metre rule! I believe Newfoundland and PEI have a similar law.

    1. I live in Saint John, and trying to bike here is a literal hell, there are virtually no bike lanes, and move drivers fly past way too close. I think if cyclists aren't allowed on the sidewalks, bike lanes should be implemented, and if they aren't, sidewalks should be available to cyclists, because drivers don't take any caution when around cyclists.

    2. Then get off the road a*shole. I had got a cyclist ticketed for running red lights (university ave) and others as such. If you are going to use the road, use it right and dont be an idiot, because if you are too close im tappin the brakes as though you were a normal vehicle.
