Monday, May 23, 2011

Fredericton Bike Lanes and Princess Margaret Bridge Closure

I would like to start off today’s blog that google maps has finally added Douglas Avenue as a bike lane! I’m still working with google to get them to include York Street and Crocket Street/Brown Boulevard. You can see some of bicycle lanes and routes here. Once they have all of the bicycle lanes and paths listed, it will be much easier for locals and tourists to find the best routes to get around our fair city.

Note that not all of the multi-use paths are listed, and the city centre routes can be viewed here. I cycled the Douglas Avenue route a few days ago, and it is in excellent shape and gets four out of five stars! It loses only one star because there are a few areas where there is gravel on the road and parked cars. I should not have to remind motorists that it is illegal to park in a bike lane.

Now that the Princess Margaret Bridge closure is in full swing, the city is still trying to get motorists to find alternate ways of getting to work. I have said this before, but I will remind you of the Brookside Mall park and go shuttle bus that runs to downtown and vies versa. Also, it is entirely FREE!

Our neighbouring city of Saint John has also done something similar, calling their system the “Parcobus”. Link here. If the City of Fredericton advertised a little more, they may even get increased demand. I would not be surprised if they offered a park and go site from Kingswood Entertainment Centre to downtown in the distant future. 

Frederictonians are also preparing the impending construction season this year. More than ever the city is urging citizens to use alternatives. The full article by the Daily Gleaner can be found here. As noted in the article, Brookside Drive is getting an overhaul from Summerhill Row to Heron Drive, which will include continuing the widening of the road. I keep hearing rumours of a bicycle lane from Reynolds Street to St. Mary's Street. Knowing the city, it will not happen any time soon, but it is foreseeable in the future.

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